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Covid-19: ESCP Alumni

17 March 2020
Viewed 278 times

Facing the exceptional situation and the latest governemental measures, the association mobilizes its strenghts.

Dear Alumni,

We have been facing an exceptional situation for the past few weeks. Each of us is faced with the unknown and the authorities of our countries are making extremely strong decisions in an attempt to regulate the pandemic.

Saturday evening, the Prime Minister of the French Republic asked for the closure of all non-essential public places as well as the establishment of teleworking on a large scale.

Last night, the President of the Republic declared a state of war on the territory, and measures will be announced to this effect today and tomorrow as part of the Ministerial Council, strengthening the measures announced this weekend by the Prime Minister.

ESCP Alumni, like all organizations, is affected by this situation and will respond to it as best as possible. We have made the choice as a first step, in line with governmental measures, to cancel all of the association's events until mid-April.

As of today, our teams are working remotely for an indefinite period of time and we are reflecting upon implementing alternative digital solutions for our future deadlines.

We wanted to assure you of our complete solidarity in these moments when our community makes more sense than ever.
Therefore, we will keep listening to your thoughts and we remain at your disposal to answer your questions and bring you all the assistance we can.

As President of ESCP Alumni, I also want to invite you to send us any request that you consider relevant to maintaining our cohesion and the support of individuals and entities. Our role is to accompany, support and be present for the community. More than ever, we stand by your side.

Animating the network of a large school that welcomes students and has enabled careers worldwide, for more than 200 years, gives us a particular perspective on this pandemic: we will be united, exemplary in what is within our reach to fight this crisis wherever it prevails and know that better moments await us soon, individually and collectively.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones,

Sincerely yours,

Stéphane Distinguin (97)
ESCP Alumni President

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