If you lead a company or if you are a headhunter, an Executive Student, an alumnus/student or not,  and if you want to submit a job offer to our community, this section is made for you and the service is free of cost. You can post full time positions, part time positions, Graduates Programmes, search of associates, V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprises) but not internships opportunities*.

If you are publishing a job offer for the first time, please register below to receive your login and password. If you have already registered, use your login and password.

ESCP Alumni also offers you an alternative to promote your job offers to a large network of alumni from Business and Engineering Schools through WATs4U.com.

The aim of  WATs4U.com is to offer recruiters:

  • A free tool to browse through the directories of 21 top schools with 380,000 alumni and students
  • A place to post as many job offers as they wish, for free
  • A headhunting tool to explore the CV and profiles database, create requests and get in direct contact with the targeted profiles.

There are about 20,000 profiles already open for consultation in the CV database. (charged service)

For all information regarding WATs4U.com, please contact Laetitia.

If you face any difficulties in publishing your offers on our site, you can contact Christine Villard.

* Internship offers for students are handled centrally by ESCP's Paris campus.
To post an offer, please go to the ESCP website: or contact Laura Pochebonne, Corporate Relations Officer, ESCP : +33 (0)1 49 23 58 29.