You are a contributing member to ESCP Alumni's association:
- Log in on the left column at the bottom of this page to access the job offers and/or to submit ones on ESCP Alumni's as well as on our partner job board 

You are not yet a contributing member to ESCP Alumni's association: :
- Login in on the left column at the bottom of this page to  submit job offers on ESCP Europe Alumni's site as well as on our partner job board

Your are a recruiter (non ESCP):
Log in on the right column at the bottom of this page to open a free recruiter account or to access it if you  already have one.

Please note that the offers for internship's and apprenticeship's opportunities are  managed by ESCP Business School via JobteaserContact in the Career Center/Corporate Relations : Marianne Schou-Nielsen - 


Whats4u is a collective of 18 alumni associations from prestigious Grandes Écoles. Our purpose is to facilitate the professional development of our alumni. To do this, we organize events that allow direct and informal exchanges between recruiters and alumni from the best engineering and business schools. It also shares the job offers received by Whats4u and each of our associations. You will find these offers once connecting yourself with your login and password.


Whats4u provides alumni with expert resources through GoinGlobal designed to facilitate their international professional mobility. This includes country-specific guides (employment market trends, administrative procedures, cost of living and salary levels, CVs, interviews, etc.), a search engine covering over 16 million job and internship offers, a directory of key employers, and tools to best understand cultural differences.

 For any information about theses services, please contact Christine Villard,