• Calendar
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    1. Monday 20 may at 19:00
      UK GROUP ALUMNI - Inter-Schools Alumni Dinner - 20 May @7:00pm

      #Alumni #Edhec #Escp #Essec #Hec #Neoma #SciencesPo Dear Alumni, On Monday 20th May, from 7:00 pm onwards, you are welcome to an inter-school Alumni Dinner in central London at Marylbone, at the Côte Brasserie restaurant with...

    2. Tuesday 21 may at 12:30
      What leadership is needed to accelerate the ecological transition?

      La grande complexité des crises systémiques du climat, de l’énergie et de la biodiversité nous amène à développer des compétences de leadership spécifiques, quel que soit votre...

    3. Tuesday 21 may at 17:17
      ITALIA ALUMNI - #AlumniGrandesEcoles - 🌐 France Alumni Day 2024 a Napoli ! - 21...

      Dear AlumniGrandesEcoles 🎓 Hai studiato in Francia e sei in possesso di un doppio titolo italo-francese, di una licence, un master o un doctorat?🚈 Hai svolto un soggiorno Erasmus...

    4. Wednesday 22 may at 12:30
      Test the impact of your LinkedIn summary

      Validate the impact and understanding of your LinkedIn positioning via headline and summary This webinar is for you if: - your professional objective (profession/sector) and...

    5. Thursday 23 may at 12:30
      Build your Personal Branding to boost your job search

      Looking for a new position is going to a market. In the competitive job market, you candidate must : - Define your “offer”, - Work on your “communication”, - Announce your “price”,...

    6. Thursday 23 may at 18:00
      GROUP Centre-Val de Loire

      Rencontres et échanges sur l'export et le multiculturel au siège de la CCI du Loiret Bonjour à tous,   Je  vous propose que nous nous retrouvions en ce début d’année avec tous les Alumnis ESCP Région Centre-Val de Loire pour parler export et multiculturel.   Ce...

    7. Thursday 23 may at 18:00

      Dear Alumni, We are sharing this invitaiton from France Alumni UK. Let me kniw if you are intersted in Hackathon to ccordonnate and represent with you ESCP among the other...

    8. Thursday 23 may at 19:00
      Alumnight - Sustainability

      on the Bain & Company sunny rooftop! Book your evening on May 23 for the next Sustainability Alumnight! For the first time, we'll have the pleasure of discovering Bain & Company's stunning private rooftop and its...

    9. Monday 27 may at 12:30
      How to best negotiate your departure: a lawyer's insight

      This webinar is for you if: - you are (or will be) in the process of separating and negotiating with your company - you want to "make a success" of your exit Program - a reminder...

    10. Monday 27 may at 16:00
      Italia ALumni AlumniGrandesEcoles

      Dear AlumniGrandesEcoles 🎓 Hai studiato in Francia e sei in possesso di un doppio titolo italo-francese, di una licence, un master o un doctorat?🚈 Hai svolto un soggiorno Erasmus...

    11. Tuesday 28 may at 12:15
      "Ask me Anything"... with Tom DUFRESNE (MSc 23) - Climate Change and...

      As a student, who has never felt frustrated after a conference, not to have been able - or dared - to ask all the questions you wanted to?   "Ask me Anything..." is a short,...

    12. Tuesday 28 may at 13:00
      Faire face aux questions difficiles en entretien

      S’entraîner à répondre aux questions délicates et aux objections des recruteurs. Ce webinaire est pour vous si :- vous êtes en recherche d’une nouvelle opportunité professionnelle,...

    13. Wednesday 29 may at 10:00 to friday 31 may at 18:00

      See you in Marrakech for the next networking event! Dear friends,   We are delighted to invite you to join us in Marrakech for the ESCP Alumni MAROC meeting from May 29 to 31. On the agenda:  Participation in Gitex, Africa's...

    14. Wednesday 29 may at 18:00
      Chicago Alumni - afterwork drinks - May 29 @6pm

      Dear Alumni,     We are delighted to invite you to our FIRST 2024 after-work on Wednesday, May 29th!     Your Chicago delegates will welcome you and ESCP Foundation representative...

    15. Wednesday 29 may at 18:30
      A year of Artificial Intelligence in review - Apéro en ligne

      6:30 PM: ROUND TABLE WITH : - Laurence Devillers (Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at Sorbonne University and the French National Center for Scientific Research...

    16. Wednesday 29 may at 18:30
      NYC ALUMNI Conference: Beauty's Next Frontiers May 29th @6:30 pm

      Dear Alumni,    Please join us for an exclusive Beauty Conference hosted by the ESCP Alumni Association - New York chapter. Engage in a dynamic panel discussion, where we'll...

    17. Wednesday 29 may at 19:00

      Greek Wine Tasting Evening Come and join us to discover the surprising richness of Greek wines. Patrick Rolland (ESCP 87), oenologist with a rich background, having been an expatriate in Greece and also...

    18. Thursday 30 may at 12:30
      Identifier les fondamentaux de mes choix professionnels

      Distinguer les éléments fondamentaux à prendre en compte pour faire des choix professionnels épanouissants à court, moyen, long terme. Comprendre les conditions indispensables à...

    19. Thursday 30 may at 18:30

      Tasting with Maison Chaperon Dear comrades, For this new rendezvous, we're offering an exceptional tasting with Maison Chaperon . After several years of buying fine wines, and thanks to the strong...

    20. Thursday 30 may at 19:00

      Workshop led by Consultant Isabelle Auroux Queridos Alumni ESCP,   Estamos muy emocionados de presentaros los dos próximos eventos ESCP que tendrán lugar en Madrid 🚀🚀 *MARCA PERSONAL & NETWORKING* Fecha: 30/05 Hora:...

    21. Saturday 01 june at 14:00
      Promo MiM 2004, our 20 years together!

      Ready to celebrate? It's the moment we've all been waiting for! Registrations for our class reunion are now open! Let's celebrate 20 years of precious memories together for a day. The schedule for...

    22. Monday 03 june at 12:00
      PROMO EAP 84

      Celebrating 40 years together! Dear Alumni friends of the EAP 84 class, You already know: we'll be celebrating 50 years of ESCP Business School's European spark on April 26 and 27 in Paris! And as part of the...

    23. Monday 03 june at 12:15
      Risk behaviours at work: how to detect and manage them?

      Enable you to spot and identify situations of moral harassment in the workplace, and act accordingly. Program 1 - Harassment situations legal definition and employer obligations...

    24. Monday 03 june at 19:15
      GROUPE BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTE : Afterwork in Dijon !

      At Bar le 19 The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Group is delighted to invite you to its next Afterwork in Dijon! A great opportunity to get together with ESCP alumni from the region and welcome...

    25. Tuesday 04 june at 17:00
      Australia Alumni - First ESCP Masterclass - The psychology of mistakes, 4 June...

      With the Professor Benjamin Voyer Dear Alumni,       Cartier ESCP-HEC Chair, ESCP Business School, ESCP Foundation and ESCP Association are delighted to invite you to our FIRST Masterclass in Sydney on Tuesday,...

    26. Tuesday 04 june at 18:30
      Communiquez pour marquer les esprits, convaincre et développer votre carrière

      L'excellence technique, l'expertise, ou le nombre d'heures investies ne suffisent pas pour réussir professionnellement. Le marché comme l'entreprise sont des organisations...

    27. Wednesday 05 june at 13:30
      Resilience booser

      In a very dynamic and highly energizing way, we will introduce the science and practice of Resilience and inspire all to make the choice of resilience with simple leadership...

    28. Thursday 06 june at 12:00
      Etre percutant en entretien de recrutement - Atelier on-line

      Cet atelier on-line est pour vous si vous souhaitez être meilleur en entretien Programme :- Présentation des clés de réussite de l’entretien de recrutement, notamment "à distance"-...

    29. Thursday 06 june at 18:30
      [CANCELLED] GROUPE TRAVEL, FOOD & HOSPITALITY - Visit the Paradox Museum!

      A unique experience in the company of Julien Tyssandier, Museum Director This visit has been cancelled for reasons beyond our control.The Travel, Food & Hospitality Group wishes you a very happy festive season and looks forward to seeing you in 2024...

    30. Thursday 06 june at 18:30
      ESCP 94 PROMO

      Celebrating 30 years together It's the moment we've all been waiting for! Registration for our anniversary party is now open! Let's celebrate 30 years of precious memories together for one evening.All those...

    31. Monday 10 june at 12:30
      La CNV (Communication Non Violente) : bien plus qu’un outil de résolution de...

      La CNV, Communication Non violente, vous en avez certainement déjà entendu parler, en rapport notamment avec la résolution de conflits.Savez-vous cependant exactement de quoi il...

    32. Tuesday 11 june at 12:30
      ChatGPT decoded: understanding and using it - COMPLETE

      Enjoy 1 hour of immersion in the fascinating world of ChatGPT to better understand how it works and its uses. Program : - How ChatGPT works - How to avoid wasting time at the start...

    33. Tuesday 11 june at 18:00
      ESCP MEM ALUMNI - MEM Alumnight Event at our Montparnasse campus.- 11 June 2024

      Dear Alumni, On behalf of Dr Georgia Makridou (Academic Director, MSc in Energy Management and Director of the Energy Management Centre), we have the pleasure of inviting you to...

    34. Wednesday 12 june at 12:30
      Décrocher un entretien réseau et obtenir des contacts

      Comment utiliser l'approche réseau pour accéder aux 80 % des opportunités de job qui sont sur le marché caché. Le Networking est incontournable, mais peut-être avez-vous quelques...

    35. Wednesday 12 june at 19:00
      Summer Party 2024 ESCP Alumni

      Dive into the enchanting vibe of La Dolce Vita with us. Get ready for an unforgettable evening at La Felicità, the vibrant Italian hotspot nestled in the heart of Station F. A...

    36. Thursday 13 june at 12:30
      Presential - Network dynamics for your professional development - New !

      This happy learning break is for you if : You want to identify the best practices of network dynamics Make the most of networking in your search for a new professional opportunity...

    37. Tuesday 18 june at 12:30
      How to make a career in impact? CSR job market trends

      Pour conduire la transition écologique, les organisations doivent adapter leur stratégie vers un business model plus durable et cherchent des compétences pour la mettre en œuvre....

    38. Wednesday 19 june at 12:30
      Intuition for decision-making

      An initiation to intuitive intelligence for decision-makers. This workshop is the opportunity to experience what intuition is, and experiment with intuition in a practical and...

    39. Wednesday 19 june at 17:30

      All about TGV: visit the Lyon TGV Technicentre All about the TGV: visit the Lyon TGV Technicentre" on Thursday May 16 at 7pm. With Benjamin Huteau, Director of the TGV Sud-Est Axis at SNCF Voyageursand Catherine Giraud,...

    40. Wednesday 19 june at 18:00
      UK ALUMNI - Summer Soirée - June 19th, 2024

      Dear Alumni and Friends, On behalf of Lord David Gold (London Campus Chairman of the Board and member of the House of Lords), Professor Kamran Ramzdoost (Dean of ESCP's London...

    41. Wednesday 19 june at 18:30
      GROUPE BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTE : Afterwork in Dijon !

      At Bar le 19 The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Group is delighted to invite you to its next Afterwork in Dijon! A great opportunity to get together with ESCP alumni from the region and welcome...

    42. Wednesday 19 june at 19:30
      ESCP 94 PROMO

      Celebrating 30 years together It's the moment we've all been waiting for! Registration for our anniversary party is now open! Let's celebrate 30 years of precious memories together for one evening.All those...

    43. Thursday 20 june at 12:30
      Administratrice, Administrateur: Pour quoi ? Pourquoi pas vous ?

      Comprendre la valeur ajoutée d'un conseil d'administration et de ses administrateurs. Cette classe virtuelle est pour vous si :- Vous êtes dirigeant.e : comment tirer le meilleur...

    44. Friday 21 june at 12:30
      ESCP AU FEMININ - #ESCPFeminaLunches

      With Isabelle Delon - SNCF Réseau #ESCPFeminaLunchs with Isabelle Delon (ESCP 91), General Manager Customers&Territories, SNCF Réseau Our aim: to help ESCP Business School graduates and students develop their...

    45. Friday 21 june at 14:00 to sunday 23 june at 14:00
      PROMO EMBA 23 - Reunion Alert

      Join us for an exclusive reunion in Nerja, Spain! ESCP Alumni Reunion Alert! Are you ready to reignite the ESCP spirit and create unforgettable memories with your fellow graduates? Join us for an exclusive reunion on the 21st -...

    46. Monday 24 june at 12:30
      Comment construire un profil LinkedIn clair et impactant

      LinkedIn est devenu incontournable, que ce soit dans une démarche réseau, business ou pour une recherche d'emploi. C'est bien souvent là que les personnes qui ne vous connaissent...

    47. Monday 24 june at 18:30
      ESCP AU FEMININ - Les Rencontres ExponentiELLES !

      2nd edition On November 30, starting at 6.30pm, the ESCP au Féminin team looks forward to welcoming you to the second edition of its Rencontres ExponentiELLES! Our ambition with this event?...

    48. Tuesday 25 june at 19:00
      La fresque de l'économie circulaire - Atelier présentiel

      Quelles sont les ressources en tension ? Quels impacts génèrent notre consommation ? Comment puis-je contribuer dans mon quotidien ? Comment les entreprises peuvent-elles faire...

    49. Wednesday 26 june at 12:30
      How to change career when you have no idea what to do next

      This webinar is for you if: - You are stuck in a job that isn't you. - You are ready for a career change but have no idea where to start. It will help you think ahead and take...

    50. Tuesday 02 july at 12:30
      Influence et communication non verbale

      Vous êtes très bon dans votre domaine mais vous n’aimez pas vous vendre ? En entretien, en discussion avec des collaborateurs, prospects ou investisseurs, l’impression que l’on...

    51. Friday 05 july at 12:30
      Comment préserver vos ressources émotionnelles dans un environnement complexe ?

      Les environnements incertains et complexes alourdissent notre charge mentale, sollicitent nos ressources émotionnelles, peuvent épuiser nos réserves. Les distances sociales,...

    52. Friday 20 september at 19:00
      PROMO ESCP 94

      Let's celebrate our 30th anniversary together It's the moment we've all been waiting for! Registration is now open for our anniversary party! Let's celebrate 30 years of precious memories together for one evening. All those...